Know Thyself

For years I made the same mistake over and over again.  With each new opportunity or relationship I eventually returned to feeling uninspired, anxious and ready to move on.  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I was doing wrong, until I did… Here’s how it went down.

F.A.B. Life 101: Reclaim your confidence

All it takes is one “innocent” comment to shake your confidence, and once that happens it may seem like it’s impossible to get it back. This week I share 5 secrets to finding your confidence, no matter how long it’s been missing 1. Tighten your circle. 2. Educate yourself. 3. Honor your journey. 4. Look…

F.A.B. Life 101: Ode to the “Bonus Dads”

I decided not to post a special Father’s Day message on Sunday, not because I don’t love and celebrate the father’s in my life, but because a simple Father’s Day wish doesn’t begin to do justice to the expression of gratitude I feel for those men who despite all odds choose to father our children….

F.A.B. Life 101: Sleep Tight (podcast)

  How many times have you found yourself wide awake at 3am on social media lamenting about your insomnia?  You’re not alone my dear.  If my news feed is a fair indicator, quite a few of you are struggling to fall/stay asleep. There are a number of reasons why sleep alludes us, especially if we’re…

Monday Morning Motivation

Monday morning got you down?  Here are a few tips for getting your life together. 1.  Make friends with the birdies.  Getting up early is perhaps the most important thing you can do to set yourself up for a successful day/week.  Of course, this requires that you go to bed at a reasonable hour, which…

F.A.B. Life 101: Husband Working Your Nerve? Remember This…

#MrSouthSide and I celebrated our 1st Anniversary last weekend. I shared the occasion with my folks on Facebook and in response I received tons of messages and questions about how we make it work. This week I’ll share the most important lesson learned in our first year of marriage – a lesson that applies to…

F.A.B. Life 101: Keep it Sexy with Frenchie Davis

If you’re afraid to talk about sex, this podcast is NOT for you. If you’re a woman who enjoys expressing her sexuality or would like to learn how, press play. This week Sexologist Frenchie Davis joins me for a candid discussion about how society, religion and family inform our relationships with sexuality and how to…

F.A.B. Breakfast: Oats of Steel

  Steel Cut Oats are my jam! After noticing my cholesterol was high and my mind wasn’t as sharp as I would like, I started researching foods proven to help lower cholesterol and increase brain function.  It was suggested I make oatmeal a regular part of my diet, which was no problem because I love…

F.A.B. Life 101 with Faith Hunter

A teacher affects eternity; she can never tell where her influence stops. To live a F.A.B. Life you must create and cultivate a community of like-minded women to guide and support you along your journey. I’ve been fortunate to sit at the feet of a number of women who willingly poured knowledge into me.  Among…

F.A.B. Life 101: Q&A

This episode of FAB LIFE 101 features our first “Dear Shawna” of the year and it comes from a woman who is ready to end a relationship that no longer serves her.

F.A.B. Life 101: 2017 Intentions

2016 can kick rocks…. Okay, maybe it hasn’t been all bad, but there’s no denying this year was a challenging one. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to start over, and so I’m setting clear and powerful intentions for what I want in the New Year. This week I’m sharing my 2017 resolutions…

F.A.B. Life 101: Can’t Find Love?

“I’m smart, beautiful, successful and a good cook…Why can’t I find a good man?” If I had a dollar for every time I heard a single woman ask that questions, I’d be rich enough to buy us all drinks. Is there a secret to finding love after you’ve found success? Press Play.